11 Stylish Nursery Bookshelves

These chic nursery bookcases help you display your toddler’s books, cut down on clutter...and earn major style points.


Children’s books are one of the sweetest parts of the early years, so as soon as you announce your pregnancy, do not be surprised if you are inundated with kid lit! Do not get us wrong, the more books the better. But to cut down on clutter, creating a space to display these special stories is important. That is where these nursery bookshelves come in! Not only do nursery bookcases offer a much-needed nursery storage solution, but they can also be an integral part of your nursery decor! From floating shelves to thematic nursery bookcases, here are some of our favourite nursery bookshelves...

Dollhouse Nursery Bookshelves

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Photo & To Purchase: Crate & Barrel

The dollhouse nursery bookcase is a hot trend right now and you might be lucky enough to scoop up a used one off Facebook Marketplace to repaint and spruce up for your kids. A more modern take is this lucite version which is giving us all the heart eyes. Either way, a dollhouse bookcase is a great transitional piece for a nursery because it can be used for book and trinket storage in the early years, and later, for playtime with their dolls.

Stylish Nursery Bookrack

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Photo & To Purchase: West Elm

A not-too-cutesy, grown-up looking bookcase is a gorgeous choice for the nursery, and it has longevity. We love this style with the bars across the front to hold books in place and make clean-up a breeze for busy parents.

Easy-Access Nursery Book Caddy

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Photo & To Purchase: Crate & Barrel

Get Baby in on the book-browsing action—and keep your organisational stress at an absolute minimum—with a low nursery book storage solution that lets you dump Baby’s books after storytime or playtime and encourages them to participate in both selecting and cleaning up their own books.

Tree Nursery Bookcase

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Photo & To Purchase: Fawn and Forest 

It is pretty much impossible to not 'ooh' and 'aah' when you behold this absolutely darling nursery bookcase from Fawn and Forest. Perfect for a nature-themed nursery, the majestic tree shape gives parents endless ways to creatively store your books in its branches.

Leaning Nursery Bookshelves

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Photo & To Purchase: Pottery Barn Kids

Paranoid parents rejoice! An answer exists for those of us who worry about wild toddlers and topple risk. While all furniture in a baby’s room should be bolted or otherwise secured in place, the design of this nursery bookcase itself prevents such an incident. It also looks pretty darn cute.

Elephant Baby Room Bookshelf

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Photo & To Purchase: Crate & Barrel 

Swoon-worthy animal-shaped book casing is a pretty sweet nursery for a baby room (especially if you are sprucing up a safari-themed nursery!). This elephant baby room bookcase looks absolutely precious and holds a ton.

Floating Nursery Bookshelves

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Photo & To Purchase: Etsy/PinguWood 

Floating bookshelves like these can be a beautiful way to showcase books (or art) in any room of the house, but they are especially adorable in a baby’s room. There are so many options for hanging bookshelves for the nursery from acrylic to metal to wood; you can even get crafty and make your own from scratch with a little help from Pinterest or YouTube. This hand-crafted set from Etsy is picture-perfect for the baby nursery. 

Stack-Up Nursery Bookshelf Cubes

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Photo: Project Nursery

This versatile stacking solution is super cute for the nursery; its block-like look gives it a baby-friendly feeling, and storing books and toys within reach but without much structure is one less thing you will have to think about when Baby arrives.

Rainbow Nursery Bookshelves

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Photo: StudioDIY

Take floating nursery bookshelves to another colourful level with rainbow bookshelves. Use all the colours in the spectrum, as seen here—or stick to a few that work with your colour scheme. No matter what, the result is bold and brilliant (shop rainbow ledge shelves here and see more rainbow nursery inspiration here!)

Nursery Bookcase & Dresser Combo

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Photo & To Purchase: Pottery Barn Kids 

Being a parent is all about why not knock out form and function with your baby nursery bookshelves. Store allllll the things with style and ease in a highly functional, sturdy cabinet system featuring doors, drawers, and more. Over time the ratio of books to clothes or toys can shift fluidly as Baby grows into a little kid, a big kid, and then a teen. This is one of those investment pieces for the nursery that is absolutely worth it, for all the ways it will continue to accommodate your child as he or she grows.

Create a Nursery Book Cart

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Photo: homedit

Our favourite sweet, versatile IKEA utility carts are great for nursery storage in general; we have seen them used as diaper stations, room-to-room toy carting, and later, as art carts for big kids. Consider stacking Baby’s books in style with one of these affordable, multi-use carts.  

Think Beyond the Nursery Bookshelves…

Nursery bookshelves are just one part of your overall nursery decor—but we have got you covered with inspiration for every element of your little one’s new sleep space…

Nursery bookshelves are just one baby essential...another big one? A safe place for your little one to sleep. SNOO Smart Sleeper was designed with safety in mind and also been shown to aid sleep for babies...and their tired parents!

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