14 Grand Giraffe Nursery Ideas

From accessories to wallpaper, functional storage to freeform design, our list of the cutest giraffe nursery inspiration is sure to kick your creativity into high gear.

Note: While these nursery photos are gorgeous, please know that it’s NOT safe to place stuffed animals, pillows, bumpers, or any loose items inside your infant’s sleep space until Baby is a year old. —Dr. Harvey Karp

Giraffes are such regal animals, with a grand presence and beautiful markings in a subdued colour palette that is perfect for a boy or girl nursery. If you are considering a nature or animal themed baby room but have not settled on the main event, consider a giraffe nursery that will wow. Giraffes create a perfect gender-neutral backdrop for your little one’s bedroom. From accessories to wallpaper, functional storage to freeform design, our list of the cutest giraffe nursery inspiration is sure to kick your creativity into high gear.

Large Plush Nursery Giraffe Accessory

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Photo: @augustaj 

Sometimes going all out is the way to go. This oversized stuffed giraffe is a charming and whimsical addition to your giraffe themed nursery for a baby girl or boy.  

Giraffe-Shaped Nursery Storage

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Photo & To Buy: Pottery Barn Kids

Wicker storage baskets are a must-have for any nursery; we love how this storage basket variety will blend into your giraffe themed nursery and make a style statement while keeping clutter at bay. (See more nursery storage ideas!) 

Wood Giraffe Wall Art for Nursery

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Photo: A Crafted Passion

Found wood scraps, a can of paint, and talent with a saw can bring a vision like this piece of giraffe nursery wall art to life. Or, see if you can find a local artisan to create it for you. We are loving this vibrant wooden wall art for this giraffe baby room.

Cute Giraffe Nursery Wall Hangings

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Photo: @molly_and_flo

This burlap giraffe is a friendly addition to the gender-neutral, baby giraffe theme nursery.

Sweet Little Giraffe Nursery Rocker

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Photo & To Buy: Pottery Barn Kids 

Nursery rocking animals are classic and precious; this themed one makes the perfect addition to your baby’s giraffe room decor.  

Dapper Giraffe Nursery Watercolour

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Photo & To Buy: Minted 

We are swooning over this bowtied giraffe portrait; perfect for perching above the cot or anywhere else in the space to bring a pop of whimsy to Baby’s giraffe nursery.

Little Giraffes Everywhere Nursery

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Photo: @bobbinandbundle

Tiny plushies, wood giraffe motifs, and fun wall scrolls pop in and out of the landscape of this darling gender-neutral nursery. The leaf-print changing pad cover and hanging potted plant are perfect additions to create the environment. 

Subtle Giraffe Nursery Wallpaper

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Photo: @camilleguaty

Just because giraffes have a big presence, does not mean your giraffe nursery has to be over the top! This subtle animal wallpaper is a delicate way to pull off the theme.

Giraffe Nursery Mobile

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Photo & To Buy: SUNandCo via Etsy

A sweet mobile above the cot is a precious way to carry out your giraffe themed nursery (plus, it will give Baby something fun to look at in bed!).  

Golden Giraffe Nursery Statue

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Photo & To Buy: Anthropologie

Perch him on a bookshelf or anywhere convenient for adding a pop of pretty to the giraffe-themed nursery. A bonus of this piece is that it can travel with Baby through the years ahead and become a permanent feature on desks and in living rooms of the far distant future.

Painted Giraffe Nursery Furniture

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Photo: @allthingshays

Spotted: super on-theme furniture! With those distinct markings, it is easy to bring the giraffe nursery theme out in more subtle ways. Paint the side of a dresser or bookcase as shown to saturate Baby’s room with giraffes in a personalised way.  

Faux Giraffe Nursery Taxidermy

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This wool giraffe makes a bold statement on the wall—and is a seriously cute way to drive the giraffe nursery theme home for Baby. 

Bold Giraffe Nursery Colourscape Ideas

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Photo: @ashleykoop4 

Commit to the theme by decorating your gender neutral giraffe nursery in yellow, brown, and a bold green inspired by the leaves they like to eat. Even without all the cute giraffe items in this space, you would get the vibe right away from the colours alone.  

Giraffe Nursery Name Garland

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Photo: @poppyloopstudio

Something like this will work with any theme, but those sweet giraffes are just too good to pass up. Personalise your giraffe baby nursery with a letter banner that spells out his or her name, to hang above the cot or another special space in the room.  

More Nursery Ideas 

Looking for more inspiration for your baby’s nursery? Check out more nursery decor and theme inspiration here: 

Your nursery giraffe’s greatest companion? A SNOO! SNOO Smart Sleeper aids sleep by automatically responding to a baby’s fussing with soothing sound and motion. 

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