How Too Much Coffee Can Backfire for New Parents

Why you should think twice before turning to caffeine when you're exhausted.

how too much coffee can backfire for new parents

How much coffee is too much coffee?

You may recall from school that the body’s cells use a special fuel called ATP (adenosine triphosphate). As ATP is used in brain cells, it leaves behind a heap of plain adenosine. By the end of the day, so much adenosine builds up in each cell that it starts a chain reaction that creates ‘cobwebs’ in our brains, forcing our minds to lose focus and our eyes to close.

That is where coffee can come to the rescue!

Caffeine masks natural fatigue and blocks the brain from recognising that adenosine levels are high, which stops that ‘I am sleepy’ message so you feel wide-awake. Caffeine also causes the release of adrenaline–providing a little jolt of nervous energy–and it boosts dopamine, one of the brain’s natural ‘feel-good’ chemicals.

So why is too much coffee bad for me and my baby?

Caffeine may seem like a tempting quick fix when you are short on sleep
but beware! Caffeine can pass into the breast milk and can cause your baby to become irritable and more awake. And if your baby is not sleeping...chances are you will not sleep either.

Furthermore, caffeine lingers in the body for over 12 hours (a quarter of the caffeine from a noontime Americano is still in your blood at midnight). This can keep you from being able to sink into deep sleep. And the fatigue from too little deep sleep may make you feel even more tired, irritable and depressed and make you reach for even more caffeine the next day.

Final Thoughts on Coffee and Infants

My suggestion? Limit your coffee to just a morning cup. If you are exhausted, try to take a nap, rather than mask your fatigue with caffeine (or with similar stimulants in tea, cola, energy drinks, supplements, or chocolate).

Avertissement : Les informations prĂ©sentes sur notre site ne constituent PAS des conseils mĂ©dicaux pour une personne ou une condition spĂ©cifique. Elles sont uniquement destinĂ©es Ă  titre d'information gĂ©nĂ©rale. Si vous avez des questions mĂ©dicales et des prĂ©occupations concernant votre enfant ou vous-mĂȘme, veuillez contacter votre fournisseur de soins de santĂ©. Le lait maternel est la meilleure source de nutrition pour les bĂ©bĂ©s. Il est important que, en prĂ©paration et pendant l'allaitement, les mĂšres adoptent une alimentation saine et Ă©quilibrĂ©e. La combinaison de l'allaitement au sein et au biberon dans les premiĂšres semaines de vie peut rĂ©duire la production de lait maternel de la mĂšre et il est difficile de revenir sur la dĂ©cision de ne pas allaiter. Si vous dĂ©cidez d'utiliser une prĂ©paration pour nourrissons, vous devez suivre les instructions avec soin.

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