Are Babies Getting Too Many Vaccines?
The idea that too many vaccines overwhelm a baby's system is pretty much an urban legend.

Ăcrit par
Dr. Harvey Karp

Why so many vaccines for babies?
The idea that too many vaccines overwhelm a baby's immune system sounds logical, but it is a myth. No evidence supports this belief, which gained popularity at a time when autism rates and the number of baby vaccines had both risen. But of course, coincidental timing does not prove cause!
Baby Vaccines: Then vs. Now
While babies do get more vaccines today, they actually do not have more âstuffâ injected into their bodies. In 1980, the DPT shot was a blenderised bacteria soup of around 1,000 different illness particles or antigens. And, the polio vaccine babies used to get was a live virus that actually triggered a minute case of the disease to prevent a more serious one.
Today, newborn vaccines are way, way more purified. The current DPT vaccine contains only three bacterial antigens and the polio vaccine no longer includes any live virus. These advances create a win-win situation: Vaccines guard kids against many more illnesses AND even though the number of vaccines has increased, the number of illness particles being injected into their bodiesâŠis lower than ever before!
What vaccines are given to newborns?
The following vaccines are recommended for babies at birth:
- Hepatitis B (First Dose)
These newborn vaccines are recommended for babies at 1-2 months old:
- Hepatitis B (2nd dose)
- DTaP (first dose)
- HiB (first dose)
- Polio (first dose)
- PCV13 (first dose)
- RV (first dose)
At 4 months, a baby should receive the following newborn vaccines:
- DTaP (second dose)
- HiB (second dose)
- Polio (second dose)
- PCV13 (second dose)
- RV (second dose)
What about a COVID 19 vaccine for babies?
While we are all eagerly awaiting a COVID-19 vaccine, the wait might even longer before we have enough research on a COVID-19 vaccine for newborn babies and toddlers.
How many newborn vaccines can a baby's body handle?
I often hear, âhow many vaccines can my baby get at once?â Some parents worry that a baby cannot handle several vaccines given at once. That is hardly the case. The immune system is a superb, multitasking, fighting machine! Every day thousands of threats strike at our little ones: from bacterial invaders to swarms of viruses to offending dietary proteins, damaged cells, irritating pollen, and even tiny cancers. The ability to thwart many mild attacks concurrentlyâincluding tolerating multiple vaccinationsâis exactly what the immune system was built to do.
In fact, a new theory suggests that allergies and asthma may be on the rise in part because we have made the world TOO clean. It makes sense if you think about it. Early âexerciseâ helps a baby's immune system achieve tip-top fighting condition!
Avertissement : Les informations prĂ©sentes sur notre site ne constituent PAS des conseils mĂ©dicaux pour une personne ou une condition spĂ©cifique. Elles sont uniquement destinĂ©es Ă titre d'information gĂ©nĂ©rale. Si vous avez des questions mĂ©dicales et des prĂ©occupations concernant votre enfant ou vous-mĂȘme, veuillez contacter votre fournisseur de soins de santĂ©. Le lait maternel est la meilleure source de nutrition pour les bĂ©bĂ©s. Il est important que, en prĂ©paration et pendant l'allaitement, les mĂšres adoptent une alimentation saine et Ă©quilibrĂ©e. La combinaison de l'allaitement au sein et au biberon dans les premiĂšres semaines de vie peut rĂ©duire la production de lait maternel de la mĂšre et il est difficile de revenir sur la dĂ©cision de ne pas allaiter. Si vous dĂ©cidez d'utiliser une prĂ©paration pour nourrissons, vous devez suivre les instructions avec soin.
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