40 Autumn Baby Names to Fall For

We have compiled the best fall baby names to kickstart your planning…Pumpkin Spice Latte optional.

Baby boy sits on a bridge with fall foliage in the background

Autumn babies are a blessing arriving during many people’s favourite season. The leaves crunch beneath your feet, the wind starts to pick up, and pumpkin drinks and knee-high boots make their grand returns. 

It is a beautiful time of year to cuddle up with a brand-new bundle and enjoy the very best things in life, from tasty treats to nature walks, and the seasonal names are just as special as these rituals. If you are naming a fall baby and would like some inspiration from the season itself, we have compiled the best fall baby names to kickstart your planning. (Pumpkin Spice Latte optional.)

Fall Baby Names for Girls

Amber: The gorgeous golden-brown, nature-made gemstone is associated with fall, not only for its colour that is a cornerstone of the season but also because it is made of tree sap, which reminds us of long walks on fall days. 

Aurelia: In Latin, 'the golden one' is another colour name that feels fall-ish. 

Autumn: It is the quintessential fall baby name for girls, which of course can be given to any little girl, but feels most special to a daughter born this time of year. 

Cerridwen: This rare Welsh name for baby girls translates to 'cauldron,' for Halloween-perfect, witchy vibes we could not pass up.

Chrysanthemum: A stunning Fall bloom to bring floral flourish to the list!

Citrine: The modern November birthstone is a twinkling amber-yellow hue that would feel fall-ish even if it was not officially associated with one of the season’s months. 

Dahlia: Another fall flower that is worth considering, Dahlia shortens sweetly to Dolly or Lia as well.

Hazel: A popular colour name (light greenish brown) that has been revered for decades, as an autumn baby name you will note it also applies to the shrub that produces hazelnuts in the fall.

Marigold: Flower names are big right now, so we will not hesitate to sprinkle our seasonal list with a bunch of them! The gorgeous, puffy yellow flower blooms from summer into the fall.

Sage: Applying to a lovely green that feels seasonal, and also the herb that is used in many tasty dishes at this time of year!

Sienna: Another fall colour—because those proud trees of fall practically demand it! Sienna is a cinnamon-y, brownish orange that reminds us of the leaves this time of year. 

Xanthe: The Greek baby girl name meaning 'golden, yellow' is pronounced ZAN-thee and would be perfect for your little ray of golden autumn sun.

Fall Baby Names for Boys

Aster: A rare flower name for boys, we love these autumn blooms and the dignified edge the name gives off. 

Bruno: Italian for 'brown,' it is another fall colour name. The little guys deserve some of those, too! 

Carmine: The Latin baby boy name refers to a deep and bright crimson shade that makes us think of fall colours; it is most popular among Italian families.

Dusty: A shade of gray, it is a quiet nature name worth considering. 

Forrest: Autumn conjures a sea of resplendent tree leaves, and where better to find them than in the forest? This nature name is perfectly picked for a fall baby. 

Hunter: The age-old hunter-gatherer theme brings fall to mind. We love this classic word name for a baby born this time of year. 

Lief: Okay, so it does not mean leaf, but it sure does sound like it! We are counting in this cute Scandinavian name for our fall names for boys.

Maple: These trees produce some of the most gorgeous fall leaves of the whole landscape… and any tree name is a nice idea for a fall-born baby. 

Oak: Another tree whose leaves will wow you in the fall! They tend to turn a bit later than maples, but they will still be gorgeous. 

RussetTake your mind off of food for a second (though russet potatoes are pretty tasty) and give this reddish-brown fall colour the consideration it deserves.

Scorpio: The November star sign is a powerful name choice for a little boy.

Gender-Neutral Fall Baby Names

Aki: The Japanese baby name meaning 'autumn' is a lovely fall baby name idea for a little one of either gender. 

Ash: The chic one-syllable wonder is a favourite for parents of baby girls and boys; add a suffix (Ashleigh, Ashford…) or leave it as is and enjoy the campfire feeling it gives off. 

Auburn: A lovely fall colour name that works for a baby of either gender. 

Breeze: This charming gender-neutral choice is one of those rare one-syllable names that is not actually short! The six letters provide complexity and pretty, natural associations that make it a contender for your little one born on a blustery day. 

Cosmos: The Greek name meaning both 'order' and 'beauty' would be darling for a little one born during the season where nature is showing off. 

Equinox: Whether born at the actual autumnal equinox or not, your little sweetheart will enjoy this striking seasonal name choice. (Note: it is also a cute name for spring babies!)

Fallon: Any name that contains the word 'fall' is going to be a fun fit… this precious Irish name is a perfect autumn moniker for your little boy or girl. 

Golden: A warm and inviting colour of the season, it also works as a charming gender-neutral baby name idea. Goldie is an adorable nickname if you are using it for a girl!

Harvest: Goodness, this one is sweet… Its rarity makes it even sweeter. A pinnacle name choice for a baby born at the season of the harvest; Harvie for a boy and Vesti for a girl make darling nicknames. 

Jora: A gender-neutral Hebrew name meaning 'autumn rain,' we adore this seasonal pick. 

October: The tenth month of the calendar year and the second to 'fall' into the season, it is a gorgeous gender-neutral name idea for your little one. 

Olive: The food name does not just apply to your favourite salty snack; it is also a deep shade of green that fits with our seasonal hues.  

Rowen: Stemming from the strong and resilient rowan tree that blossoms through spring and summer then features bright red leaves in autumn, it is a stunning gender-neutral baby name idea. 

Sapphire: The September birthstone is a beautiful baby name for a little boy or girl. 

Sepia: Tonal yellow-brown rounds out our colour name ideas for fall babies—and would be so dignified yet sweet for yours. 

Topaz: November’s birthstone is also a contender for one of the cutest fall baby name ideas.

Ready to hibernate for the season? SNOO can help! SNOO aids sleep at night for babies (and their tired mamas and daddies).

Beyond Fall Baby Names:

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