How to Change Baby Sleep Pattern From Day to Night

Help your baby sleep through the night.

help baby sleep through night

What you do with your infant during the day can help your baby sleep better through the night. So, why not set yourself up for nighttime success by starting when the sun comes up?

Here is how to change your baby’s sleep pattern from day to night:

Get outdoors during the day.

Get your babe outside for a daily dose of sunlight (especially before noon). This will help reset the circadian rhythm if your baby has days and nights mixed up for sleeping.

Use sound and motion.

Rhythms throughout the day set a calming tone. Long walks, swings, and slings are great during the day, and swaddling and white noise during naps.

Improve nighttime sleep with your daytime schedule.

Create a flexible schedule to keep your infant from getting overtired during the day and to keep her on track for your evening bedtime target.

Avoid stimulants.

If you are breastfeeding, avoid ‘uppers’ like dark chocolate and coffee that could disrupt your baby’s sleep pattern.

Encourage daytime pooping.

Some nice belly massage and knee-to-tummy exercises will help your little one to poo during the day, so nighttime sleep is not disturbed by grunting. (Speak to your healthcare provider if your infant is having firm or hard stools.)

Final Thoughts About How to Change Baby Sleep Pattern from Day to Night

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