Swaddling Techniques to Prevent Break Outs & Other Swaddling Problems

Prevent your little Houdini from breaking free with these simple tips.

baby breaks out of swaddle

Swaddling is not difficult, but you will want to avoid some common mistakes. Just follow the instructions below to ensure that your baby will not break out of the swaddle and that she stays snug, calm and happy! 

What to Do If Your Baby Hates the Swaddle?

Most of the time, your baby fights the swaddle because they are not being swaddled correctly. Check out our guide for how to swaddle a baby using the DUDU method. These step-by-step instructions will show you Dr Karp’s preferred method for swaddling, so your baby can sleep comfortably. You will also find some helpful tips below if your baby does not like or fights the swaddle.

If Your Baby Does Not Like the Swaddle, Then Try Tightening It

A Harvard study found that babies actually cry more if they are wrapped loosely! If your baby does not like the swaddle, then this could be why.

The secret of swaddling is keeping the arms snug, while leaving the blanket loose around the knees and hips so they can bend and open easily. 

Related: Step-by-Step Instructions for Fool-Proof Swaddling

Swaddle With Straight Arms If They Keep Fighting It

Some experts insist that infants have their hands high up so they can suck their fingers. But wrapping with bent arms is usually a disaster! It allows the hands to wiggle out, which makes babies cry more… and allows the whole wrap to unravel. This makes it easy for your baby to fight the swaddle and keeps them awake.

It is true that during the last month or two of pregnancy, a baby’s arms are always bent. However, within two weeks of birth, the arms naturally relax, becoming straighter during calm times and sleep. (Although they do snap back into the bent position while crying.)

Note: Premature babies can be wrapped with bent arms—until they get close to their due date. 

Babies Will Fight the Swaddle If It Touches Their Cheeks

When a blanket touches the cheek of your hungry baby, it fools her into thinking it is the breast. That can set off the rooting reflex and cause her to cry with frustration when she cannot find the nipple. So keep the blanket off the face, by making the swaddle look like a V-neck jumper. This is a great way to keep your baby from breaking out or fighting the swaddle.

Related: Learn the DUDU Swaddle: The Easiest Swaddling Technique

Use the Right Size Blanket or a Baby Will Break Out of the Swaddle

Small blankets tend to pop open and unravel. Use a blanket that is big enough to wrap all around your baby’s body—at least 1.1 metres square.

Does Swaddling Reduce or Prevent SIDS?

Safe swaddling can actually help prevent cot death by making it more difficult for your baby to roll. This is important because SIDS risk jumps 8 to 45 times for babies who routinely back sleep, but accidentally roll. For more information on SIDS prevention, be sure to read all of our tips to prevent the risk of SIDS. 

Disclaimer: The information on our site is NOT medical advice for any specific person or condition. It is only meant as general information. If you have any medical questions and concerns about your child or yourself, please contact your health provider. Breastmilk is the best source of nutrition for babies. It is important that, in preparation for and during breastfeeding, mothers eat a healthy, balanced diet. Combined breast- and bottle-feeding in the first weeks of life may reduce the supply of a mother's breastmilk and reversing the decision not to breastfeed is difficult. If you do decide to use infant formula, you should follow instructions carefully.

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