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La culla SNOO Smart Sleeper
La culla SNOO Smart Sleeper
La culla SNOO Smart Sleeper
La culla SNOO Smart Sleeper
La culla SNOO Smart Sleeper
La culla SNOO Smart Sleeper
La culla SNOO Smart Sleeper
La culla SNOO Smart Sleeper
La culla SNOO Smart Sleeper
La culla SNOO Smart Sleeper
La culla SNOO Smart Sleeper
La culla SNOO Smart Sleeper
La culla SNOO Smart Sleeper
La culla SNOO Smart Sleeper
La culla SNOO Smart Sleeper
La culla SNOO Smart Sleeper
La culla SNOO Smart Sleeper
La culla SNOO Smart Sleeper
La culla SNOO Smart Sleeper
La culla SNOO Smart Sleeper

La culla SNOO Smart Sleeper



Price: 1.395,00 EUR (il prezzo include spese di spedizione e IVA)

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🏆 Evviva! Tutti gli ordini SNOO si qualificano per un Everything Set GRATIS (dal valore di 177 EUR)!

Ecco come funziona:
1️⃣ Aggiungi l’Everything Set
2️⃣ Aggiungi SNOO
3️⃣ Fatti una bella dormita! 💤

Informazioni sulla culla SNOO Smart Sleeper

Progettata dal
Dott. Harvey Karp, celebre autore di Un bambino felice,
SNOO è una culla reattiva e sicura!

Like an extra set of hands, SNOO aids sleep with gentle rocking and soothing…for all naps and nights.
Its quick response often calms upsets in under a minute.
And our ‘5-second swaddle’ keeps babies on the back.

Perché SNOO è così amata dai genitori


    I bambini dormono meglio quando il sonno è accompagnato da movimenti e suoni calmanti che imitano quelli del grembo materno


    Naturally sleep trains, making it easy to transition to a cot…with little need to


    Your extra set of hands, SNOO helps whenever you need a break: to shower, work, cook, or sleep


    Reagisce automaticamente all’agitazione del bambino... persino mentre stai dormendo


    Impostazioni personalizzabili, diario giornaliero del sonno e consigli utili da parte del Dott. Karp


    Lo speciale sacco nanna SNOO Sack rende la fasciatura un gioco da ragazzi, riduce il surriscaldamento, impedisce che il bambino si scopra e lo mantiene in posizione supina


    Se il bambino si agita, la culla aumenta l’intensità di suono e movimento, riuscendo spesso a calmare il piccolo in meno di un minuto

Uso consigliato

Dalla nascita e fino ai 6 mesi (o fino al gattonamento)


  • Prodotto

    • Pareti in maglia traspirante per garantire il passaggio dell’aria
    • 5 livelli di suono + movimento appositamente studiati per calmare il bambino e favorire il sonno
    • Motore di alta qualità per garantire silenziosità e affidabilità
    • Algoritmo avanzato in grado di distinguere l’agitazione del bambino dagli altri rumori nella stanza
    • Include un cavo di alimentazione con spina europea e inglese
  • Dimensioni

    • SNOO imballata

      • Dimensioni: 96,5 cm L x 55,9 cm l x 41,9 cm H;
      • Peso: 25,4 kg
    • SNOO montata

      • Dimensioni: 90,8 cm L × 48,3 cm l × 81,9 cm H (gambe incluse);
      • Peso: 17,4 kg

La confezione include

  • La culla SNOO Smart Sleeper

  • 3 sacchi nanna SNOO Sack avorio (S, M, L) in cotone biologico

  • Lenzuolo SNOO in cotone biologico certificato GOTS

  • Materasso e coprimaterasso impermeabile

  • Accesso illimitato a consulenti del sonno per 7 giorni a settimana

  • 1-year
    limited warranty Click here for more details

Happiest Baby App

Screenshot of the SNOO App

Happiest Baby App

Coming July 15th, 2024: Pick your plan! A FREE premium subscription will be included with any authorized SNOO, or you can pay to subscribe!*

  • Track your baby's sleep, feedings, and diaper changes
  • Consigli utili e curiosità offerti dal Dott. Harvey Karp
  • Helpful settings to customise SNOO to your and your Baby’s preferences

*Authorized SNOOs are bought directly from Happiest Baby or any any authorized partner. Purchasers buying SNOO after July 15th will get a free premium subscription for 9 months. Restrictions apply—see details.

Customer Reviews

Based on 33 reviews
Father of two sons
Great baby cot

Second Snoo bought (sold the first one). Have had great experiences with both my first born 2.5 years ago and now my newborn. It works great for soothing my baby, even getting a 4 hour+ strech of sleep at 4 weeks old. Hoping this will continue! :) App is easy to use ad the cot looks nice. Would highly recommend to those that can afford it. Has good resale value as well.

Hi there,

It's so wonderful to hear that you love SNOO so much that you're using it again with your 2nd little one! We love knowing your baby is soothed for more restful sleep for the whole family.

Thanks so much for sharing & happy SNOOzing,

Jess from the Happiest Baby Team

No competition best baby cot around.

Obsessed doesn't even come close to describing what my husband and I feel towards the snoo - it is legitimately the best baby item we have purchased and worth every penny. Our baby sleeps so well, is safe and this is so comforting to us as first time parents - 100% recommend.

Hi Meg,

It means the world to us that SNOO is on this new adventure with your family! Knowing you feel supported & your little one is well rested is everything we strive for. Thanks for sharing!

Happy SNOOzing,

Jess from the Happiest Baby Team

Lou Ryko
Sorry, do not recommend. Should be less 'smart'

First problem is our own fault. We left it too late to purchase the Snoo (2.5 months when it arrived). Baby didn't accept it at all, even after 1 month of trying. We never got baby to sleep in Snoo.

2; It took us 2 days of troubleshooting to connect the Snoo to our wifi. We're not tech-dumb people, Snoo just refused to tell us the problem and the online help was of no help.

3; We really dislike that the white noise cannot be turned off. Horrible functionality. Why!?

4; We really dislike the Snoo's reliance on the app (trying to turn on the snoo and control it in a dark room without waking our light sensitive baby is impossible).

5; We really dislike that wifi is a must-have. We try to live with wifi turned off at nights and this makes it impossible.

6; We don't like that the Snoo button is always illuminated. Again; with a light-sleeping baby this bright point of light is not cool in an otherwise dark room.

Dear Lou,

We're so sorry to hear you got a late start with SNOO and would've loved to help you get more out of your time.

We've worked with 1000s of families with babies as old as 3 months to get the best - safe - sleep available. While the App allows families access to different features and sleep logs, SNOO is fully functional & responsive without the use of the App. Parents can start, stop, and level up SNOO by pressing the Activity button.

Our team works hard to provide thorough support to families using our products. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected].


Jess from the Happiest Baby Team

Father of a son
High end product that needs some improvement

We got a recommendation and tried it, as we wanted our son to sleep a bit more reliable. Within the first week we had the snoo sleeper and we used it with some success. As time passed by, the snoo sleeper was not able to calm our son and put him to sleep.

The reason might have been that we did not factor in the timing properly, but after we figured out his daily routine, we could put him to sleep anywhere.

The product and app was working flawlessly and the quality etc. is outstanding. The bed looks great, the materials are great and its really well engineered, but the secret to getting our baby to sleep well, was not noise or movement, but timing. May be snoo can engineer something withihn their app or may be work with glow (the app) as we did track our efforts and managed to figure out what was missing.

Pro tipp: your baby needs to rest in the snoo, before he shows signs of fatigue / sleepyness - at best he had a meal and fresh diapers. Work on your routine.

We're sorry to hear your baby wasn't soothed as you were expecting and our team would've loved to speak with you directly. We've worked with 1000s of families to provide support to get the best - safe - sleep w/ SNOO.

While every family has a unique routine, SNOO provides a safe and tailorable sleep space. For babies who are not accustomed to SNOO, it can help to use white noise in the bedroom, swaddle, feed, and when asleep, put into SNOO for the first few weeks to allow them to get accustomed to the new sensations more gradually. In no time, the way your little one might fall asleep on a car ride or a nice stroll through the park, he will be cozy for better sleep with SNOO, too.

If we can offer you any additional support, please contact us at [email protected].


Jess from the Happiest Baby Team

Gemma C
Good but not for babies prone to voming

The snoo looks beautiful but could do with being a bit longer, Im not sure I will get 6 months out of it. My baby does like it and it definitely does help babies settle back if they are not waking for food or a pain/gas. However, when a reflux baby soils as much as they do, the snoo becomes an expensive ornament, in my case anyway. The crib cant be used without the sleep sac being engaged, understandable for motion but it cant be used as a stationary crib with sound. I would need to purchase about 10 sacs each size to make this work for me. The motion is enjoyable for my little one, but it does exasperate her vomiting, I need to use weaning mode mostly.

Customer service is great, with an offer of a call to assist me, but I didnt see the point, the sound cant be used without a sac in place. I was sent an mp3 track of it, but I would expect more for the price.

Dear Gemma,

We're glad to hear your baby enjoys SNOO's soothing features and we'd like to help your family find just the right settings for even better sleep.

SNOO's #1 goal is to provide babies with a safe sleep space (safe swaddle connected to safety clips). Spit-up is common and many parents tell us that SNOO's Level 1/Level 2 motion helped reduce spit-up/reflux. Adversely, Weaning mode is great for babies who are agitated by rocking and prefer white noise. For any medical concerns, we recommend speaking with your pediatrician to find the best solution.

Our team works hard to provide thoughtful support to families. We hope you'll continue collaborating with us at 855.424.6323 to get the best - safe - sleep with SNOO all 6 months.


Jess from the Happiest Baby Team